Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Caleb had his final EKG today. They said that it didn't look normal, but it looked normal for Caleb. They are happy, so I am happy.

Caleb is scheduled for his circumcision tomorrow at 9:00 am. They will observe him for a while afterward to make sure he doesn't have any bleeding. They are more concerned with Caleb than normal healthy babies because he takes aspirin to keep his shunt from forming blood clots. They just want to make sure his thinner blood doesn't cause a problem.

Caleb's feedings are on track and the bottle feedings are progressing. He can now take about 18 mL before getting tired or too mad to continue. The speech therapist was happy with his progress and gave us the go ahead to try bottle feeding at each feeding if he tolerates it.

I set up several of his NG feedings and I gave him his medications tonight. I feel comfortable with that aspect of things now. I am actually not terribly nervous about bringing him home. I figured that I would be a nervous wreck. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

As of right now, we are still on schedule for going home tomorrow. It will seem so weird to merge the two lives that we have been living for the past 10+ weeks. We will have four kids now, not three kids and one baby. It seems like I had Caleb years ago, but we are really bringing home a newborn. I had to go to Meijer's tonight because we don't have any diapers or wipes at home. We didn't have the guts to buy anything before, but now it is really going to happen (I hope!).


  1. My thoughts and prayers will be with you as you travel home . I am sure that it will be a scary but wonderful feeling when you turn in your driveway, open the door, and bring Caleb in the house. After all the things that you have been through, I am sure you will handle it.Blessings, G. Pat

  2. Good luck for tomorrow Jen! We'll be thinking of you across the Atlantic.

    Emma x

  3. I can not imagine how you must be feeling. Just hearing about it brings tears to my eyes. I am so excited for you guys!

  4. Good job Jen! You will be home before you know it. Let me know if you need someone to talk too.

  5. If you need someone to rock the baby at oh, say, 10:00 tonight, LET ME KNOW! ha! :)
    Just kidding!! So happy that it's in sight!!
    Love you.
