Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The August Babies

Caleb had another good day. There were no major meltdowns and he gained 30 to 40 grams again. They increased his methadone to the level it was before the meltdowns became more frequent. So far, it seems to be working.

His heart catheterization will not be done until Tuesday or Wednesday. Last night, Caleb had a meltdown that last about 2 1/2 hours. They gave him some morphine and he calmed down quickly. When they took his vitals, he had a temperature of around 101. The thinking is that he may have been hot from his marathon fit. They ran tests on his blood and urine and everything looked good this morning. Waiting is not a major disappointment, it doesn't look like we will be going anywhere antyime soon.


  1. This picture is precious! Thanks for the updates.
    Prayers continue.

  2. Such a precious picture! How they grow up so fast! Praying for Caleb! Praying for you!!! Thank you for the awesome updates!!!

  3. Love love this picture!
    Praying for another week of growth :)
    May God give you His strenth...we love you-

  4. Awesome pic!! So precious!
    Grandpa D
