Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just when I was worrying about another surgery for Caleb, I was sent another Guardian Angel to set me at ease. I moved into the Ronald McDonald house this week. While I was eating supper at the house tonight, I saw a woman walking around with a six month old baby. Most of the people in here have babies in the hospital and the healthy baby in the carrier did not make sense. After talking to her, I found out that her baby has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and is going in for his second surgery tomorrow. When you see a smiling, happy, chubby baby that survived some very rough times (he was in the hospital for 6 weeks and had to be on the heart/lung bypass machine for 46 hours), you feel much better. Things got even better when she said that one of the people she met when her baby had his first surgery needed to resize a shunt. I feel so much better knowing that it can be done!

Caleb had a very lazy day today. He is sleeping a lot because he is in his happy place (he may have actually gained weight, we'll see tomorrow) and the big shunt is wearing him out. He is also very sweaty now. I talked to the nurse practioner and she said that the sweatiness and sleepiness are both signs that the shunt is too big. I hope Caleb doesn't find out that he is actually giving us real information now.

I asked to give him a bath today. He doesn't smell the best from all the sweating and I miss doing some of the Mom Stuff. It wore him out and he slept all morning. I was able to get some work done while he was sleeping.

Hopefully, the next couple of days will be just as boring. We don't want any more excitement until Monday.

Weight Yesterday: 3.575 kg
Weight Today: 3.685 kg
Change: 110 grams


  1. Smiles & hugs & praises to God for His guardian Angels!!!

  2. God always knows when we need Him and sends people into our lives when we need them the most. Praying for Caleb and your family.

  3. Know that you are being followed by our family. Hang in there and press on. May the Lord meet you in so many surprising ways.
    Jason and Sara Taylor
