Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010 - 6:30 pm

Caleb is much more stable now. Today was supposed to be an up and down day, and this afternoon, we got some of the "up" part. They decided to do a heart catheterization after lunch to see if there was a reason things weren't going better. He didn't come back until after 4:00 pm. They couldn't find any problems that were the glaring culprits, so that seems to be good. The surgeon stopped in to see him, and she said that her preference was to "wait for the dust to settle" and see what happens. As of right now, that seems to be working.

Of course, right before he goes down for the heart catheterization, his PO2 levels go way up to 40 - that was really good. He had some bleeding from where the catheter was put in his leg. When he came back his leg was blue having improved from purple. When I left his room a little while ago, it was pinking up.

Now we start again to try to wean him off some of the stuff because he has stayed stable for a while. Hopefully we can make some progress.

I am doing surprisingly well now. A quick breakdown in the Chapel does wonders for a person's outlook. No crying since this morning. When I checked on him after the first reports, we were both doing better. His numbers were up and my tears were down! They let me hang out right next to him and put my hand on his head. This may sound like a little thing, but here, when they are hooked up to so many wires and tubes, it can be huge!

Thanks again for all of your prayers and comments. We are all pushing forward!


  1. Mark and Shannon StahlAugust 20, 2010 at 8:47 PM

    You are so in our hearts and prayers and we truly pray for Caleb and you both to keep receiving Gods's strength through all of this. We love you guys!!

  2. Thinking and praying for you all!

  3. way to go Caleb!!! no need to wait until the teen years, he's already testing your patience :) one day at a time!
