Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday, December 18, 2010

Caleb is settling back in after his heart catheterization this week. I still think his oxygen levels are too low much of the time, but I don't know that there is much we can do about it. I guess if they stay too low for too long, we can put him on oxygen. If you know anything about baby faces and nasal cannulas, you know that this is torture for all involved. He spends all of his time trying to get the cannula out of his nose, we spend all of our time trying to get it back in.

We have not yet heard from Ann Arbor regarding a surgery date. I will update when I find out.

There is not much new to post about Caleb. At the hospital, he weighed 10 pounds, 4 ounces. He still is not doing so hot with the bottle and we have had no record setting bottle adventures this week. He smiles every day now - even at the hospital this week. He is cooing more often and sometimes looks like he is on the brink of giggling.

One year ago this week, we found out that I was pregnant. What a year it has been! It started out worrying about miscarriage. Then it changed to worrying about carrying twins. Then it changed to worrying about one baby with a serious heart defect. Then it changed to worrying about Caleb's surgery. Then it changed to worrying about Caleb's recovery. Now we are worried about Caleb's next surgery. It is no wonder that I have lost a large amount of hair this year!

Through it all, we have learned some amazing things. We have learned that God really will give us the strength to handle anything we encounter. If you would have told me that our family could be separated for over ten weeks, hours apart, through the start of school, I would have never believed it. We have learned how really special all of our friends and family are. From the benefit, to the prayers, to meals, to words of encouragement when we needed them the most - we are unbelievably lucky to have the people we have in our lives. We have been reminded that together our family makes a great team - Phil was amazing covering everything at home and the kids were brave and strong with their Mom and new baby in another city.

This Christmas, we are so unbelievably thankful for all of the blessings we have. We are so fortunate to have Caleb here with us. We are blessed to have the love of our family and friends. Thank you for all of your support and prayers and for making this a very special year for us!


  1. A very special year, and a very special family! We love you all so much!!

  2. Sooo happy that you will all be together...Merry Christmas!

    Mrs. Pfaller (Gay)
