We had a very normal week last week. I finished my Christmas shopping on Tuesday, we finished wrapping presents at 1:30 am on Christmas morning, the kids were up at 5:00 am Christmas morning - all of the usual Christmas stuff and it was wonderful to have "normal"!
Caleb's visiting nurse came to my office on Monday to check on him. His oxygen saturation was 76% and we felt a huge relief. We suspect that he is still dropping below 70%, but he is capable of the proper levels when he is calm and happy. His weight was 10 pounds, 13 ounces - closing steadily in on 11 pounds. Based on the information that I have found, that would make him about the 0.4 percentile, meaning 99.6% of babies his age are heavier than him!
We still have not heard anything from Ann Arbor, but I am suspecting that things are kind of quiet there because of the holidays. I am not so antsy about getting the surgery scheduled when I know that he is not constantly below his ideal oxygen concentrations. Maybe we will hear something this week, but I am not holding my breath.
In the past, I have posted updates or prayer requests for some of the other babies and families we have met as part of this journey. Colton and Ben came through their 2nd surgeries well and both spent Christmas at home where they belong. We were very excited to see that both of them were home from open heart surgery in less than two weeks. I still find that amazing and hope Caleb does as well as they have.
Right after Caleb's last surgery, I requested prayers for Gabriella and Emilio. I still keep in touch with Gabby's Mom and Gabby is doing well. She has a very rare genetic condition that very little is known about, but she is home with her family and enjoying her first Christmas. I never really met Emilio's parents, but knew that he was in rough shape. When Phil got the newspaper on Christmas Eve morning, there was a photo of Emilio's Mom and Dad and a story on his NEW HEART! Following is a link to the newspaper article. The surgeon in the article is Caleb's surgeon. The doctors and nurses in Ann Arbor are truly amazing and are definitely one of the best Christmas gifts we will ever receive!
Emilio's Newspaper Article
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