Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today Phil was on duty in Ann Arbor. Caleb had a good night and seems to be doing well with the changes that were made on Friday. Today, he was moved onto regular oxygen content air. Tomorrow, if things go well tonight, they will try switching his last diuretic dose over to oral. These two changes, if they stick, will be a major milestone.

Caleb was fussy most of the day today. Phil held him for quite a while and was able to comfort him a couple of times. It is hard to know if there is a problem brewing or if Caleb just had a fussy day. It is sometimes hard to remember that he is a baby and sometimes they are crabby!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about your family everyday and praying for Caleb to come home soon.... even though Phil is pretty good at being Mr. Mom.
    Take care Jen
    Love to All.
