Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Caleb's surgery went well today. The only backsliding was that they had to put in a new chest tube and increase his morphine. He had one SVT episode (the one where his heart rate goes sky high) around the time of the surgery. They gave him some medication and it quit.

His oxygen saturation on the ventilator is down to 25% and he is at 24 breaths per minute. They might try "sprinting" him sometime tomorrow morning. We won't know if the surgery worked until they take him off the ventilator and let him breathe on his own for a while. They might try as soon as tomorrow.

I'm not sure what the next step is because we have been focused on getting Caleb off the ventilator for a week and have discussed nothing else. Hopefully, we will be successful this time and can see what is in store for him next!

1 comment:

  1. God and all of our arms are around you and Caleb to keep you strong. He is still testing us and we will win but it may take longer than we want. Our hugs, love and prayers are will all of you.Pat
