Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Phil and I just got back from the PCTU. They did an echocardiogram of Caleb's heart and still aren't exactly sure how he is plumbed and whether the holes in his heart that are beneficial will stay open. It does not decrease his chances of survival, it just might change the plan of attack.

We also found out that we can hold him in the PCTU, with the exception of right after his surgery. While we were up there, the nurse brought us over a rocking chair and I held him for about 45 minutes. The Pediatric Cardiologist in the PCTU stopped to talk to us on his rounds. He explained everything to us and told us that we could feed him before his surgery. I tried to nurse him, but once again, he was too mellow and I couldn't get him to wake up long enough to eat. Finding out that we get to hold him and that I can nurse him before the surgery has got to be the most wonderful news I could get!

Tomorrow, we should find out about the surgery schedule and exactly what they are planning to do. I don't feel the overwhelming pressure to get his surgery right away knowing that we can take care of him before the surgery.

Just a little bit of trivia:

The meaning of the name Caleb is "dogged" or "strong in the face of overwhelming odds". Caleb was one of the spies sent into the Promised Land by Moses to see what was there. Of the twelve spies, only Caleb and Joshua thought that God could deliver them into the Promised Land. Because of the lack of faith of the other ten spies, the Hebrews decided not to try to enter the Promised Land and spent another forty years wandering in the wilderness. The only adult Israelites allowed to survive the forty years and enter the Promised Land were Caleb and Joshua.

Thanks for your prayers and support! They have meant so much to us.


  1. You have a beautiful little boy! Keeping Caleb in our prayers--he is in very good hands. Congratulations on your newest blessing!
    ~The Kind Family

  2. Keeping you, Phil, and baby Caleb in my thoughts and prayers! He is beautiful:-)


  3. Love the name almost as much as I love the meaning!! Can't wait to meet him - he's so loved already!! xoxoxo Praying for tomorrow -every one that is whispered is heard!!

  4. Congratulations Jen & Phil! He's absolutely adorable! LOVE the name too...what a beautiful meaning! Blessings and prayers to all of you!!:)

    Heather Duhr & family
