Caleb Philip Dougherty is here! He was born at 1:12 pm and weighs 7 pounds, 12 ounces. He is mostly pink and was quite alert and calm after he was born. Both Phil and I got to hold him before he was taken off to the Pediatric Cardiothoracic Intensive Care (PCTU). He has chubby cheeks and likes to suck on his fingers.
I started the Pitocin for the induction around 2:30 am. By 8:30 am, we had still made no major progress. They increased the Pitocin and by 11:30 am, we were far enough along to break my water. After that, the labor progressed very rapidly. I asked for an epidural, but by the time it was complete, it was nearly time for him to be born. We went to the delivery room so Caleb could be close to the Neonatal ICU and a few minutes later, Caleb was born.
We are hopefully on our way up to see him in the PCTU in a couple of minutes. When we have more information, I will post it.
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