At the corn maze and pumpkin patch

Visiting the fort on Mackinac Island

Checking out the Cut River Bridge

Standing at the top of Castle Rock
Caleb is now 14 months old. It has been a very busy month!
Caleb was fighting a cold at the end of the last post. I ended up taking him in and found out that he had another ear infection. That makes three so far. The ear infection was not affected by the Amoxicillin, so a week later, we switched to Omnicef, a more potent antibiotic.
While we were at the pediatrician's office, I asked them to check his oxygen saturation. His color has been more blue than usual, but it has always been better than they expected based on his numbers, so I wasn't terribly concerned. He was acting normal, just looking a little Smurfy. I got to see what happens when people aren't used to a baby with only half a working heart. The nurse hooked up the monitor and Caleb's saturation leveled out in the upper 70's. She asked the other nurse for the other sensor and asked her to send the doctor in. I noticed her concern and mentioned that was what I expected, but it wasn't until the pediatrician came in and reassured her that the terrified look left her face. The doctor explained that if they saw those numbers in a baby with a normal heart, he would have already been rushed to the hospital.
We aren't sure whether the ear infection is gone or not, but it is not bothering him, so we are calling it good. He had a fever Sunday and Monday, but now he is back to normal.
Caleb now weighs 17 pounds, 13 ounces. He has moved to the 0.3 percentile! He is a very good eater and there is really nothing we have found that he does not like. He is making some serious progress with a toddler cup now.
Caleb is finally getting a tooth. We can now see the ridges on the top of the tooth poking through, but that is all so far. I will post a picture when we actually see it!
Caleb is not walking yet. He is getting cockier about letting go when he is holding onto things, but still is not standing on his own.
We have switched to occupational therapy only once a month. Because we are just making sure that he can master walking and talking, a weekly visit is not needed at this point. He is making some progress on talking, but he still doesn't say any words we can really understand. He says something that sounds like "Mama", "Dad", and "Ella" and he does say "MMMM" when he is hungry.
Since my last post, Caleb has attended his first Alto Festival, ridden in a convertible in a parade, visited the Upper Peninsula, finished his first corn maze and visited Art Prize. He is certainly making the most of this fall!
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