Caleb trying out his new birthday present

Eating the frosting and leaving the cupcake

Caleb opening up his birthday present
Yesterday, Caleb turned one year old! When I got home from work, the Big Three had his present wrapped and birthday cupcakes made. He got to open his present (with some help from his brother and sisters) and play with the paper. Caleb got a car that you can either ride on or use as a walker. He seems to like the walker part, but he looks like an old man when he uses it.
Last week, Caleb had his occupational therapy appointment. We reviewed his goals from the beginning of June. Those goals included getting on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He has blown past that to crawling everywhere, all the time. We joke that we need a bell for him because as soon as we turn our backs, he is gone. His therapist will continue to see him until he is walking and talking, but she does not have any concerns at this point.
Today, Caleb had his one year check-up. The pediatrician was very happy with his progress. Caleb's weight was 16 pounds, 10.5 ounces and his length was 28 inches. His head circumference was right around the 50% percentile. He got five vaccines today, including the first dose of the flu vaccine. By about 6:00 pm, he was feeling the effects of the shots, but hopefully he will bounce back to his usual happy self tomorrow.
Phil and I want to thank everyone for all of the prayers and support we have gotten over the past year. We would not have made it through this journey without all of the help we have received. Thank you all for taking care of us! It may take a village to raise a child, but Caleb has required a large city.
Looking back on Caleb's first year, all I can think of is how lucky we are. Caleb has not only survived, but he is thriving. It is unbelievable that he is caught up developmentally. We know so many babies that are struggling with difficulties either resulting from other issues they were born with or from effects of their surgeries. We have met families that have no support system and have no resources to deal with the challenges that congenital heart defects present. We thank God for all of the blessings that we have.
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