Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Caleb had another great week. He is crawling like a pro and is pulling up frequently. We have even caught him standing up while trying to get toys out of his toybox. We have seen him holding on with only one hand and at one point, he was leaning against the toy box and not holding on at all.

Caleb's therapy appointment is Tuesday and his cardiologist appointment is Wednesday.

We have scheduled Caleb for a Neurological and Developmental assessment at U of M on August 1st. He was part of several research studies during his first surgery and as part of the studies, they assess his development at one year of age. The tests are non-invasive and will give us a good idea of where he is developmentally. The Big Three are excited about giving Caleb the test we have to do at home to fill out the written assessment portion. Nothing like performing experiments on your little brother!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Caleb!! Saw some cute pictures Sarah posted on FB too - miss so much seeing him when I'm gone for the weekend - so glad he's getting so strong!!
