Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Today was a big day for Caleb and everything that happened went great!

Caleb had his discharge echocardiogram today and everything looked just the way it was supposed to. The clot has shrunken dramatically, so they were able to stop the Heparin and just use the baby aspirin that all babies with shunts take. The last IV medication is gone!

Caleb also had a chest x-ray this morning and his lungs look very good. He is still doing fine breathing on his own and the diuretics are working correctly.

Caleb had his hearing test and passed that. Babies that are on the ventilator for more than two weeks are at an increased risk for hearing loss, so he will be tested more often to make sure there are no problems.

The speech therapist checked on him to see how he was doing taking a bottle. He sucked down 15 mL while she was there. His sucking is not perfect, but it works and she showed Phil some tricks to make it more efficient.

Caleb has been tolerating the 24 calorie breastmilk well, so they started to wean him off the continuous feeding. Because he has been fed continuously for so long, the first step is to give him the same amount of milk over a shorter period of time to give his stomach some time to grow. His goal feeding volume is 23 mL/hour, so today, they started him with 46 mL fed over a period of one hour and then turned off the pump for an hour. He has been doing that for 11 hours now and is still tolerating it well.

The nurse practioner told Phil that their goal was to discharge him on Friday. This is the first time we have ever been close enough to discuss a date. We were both ecstatic. I feel like we have a lot to do and learn in the next 3 days and if today was any indication, we do!

I am going to put a copy of the blog postings and the comments in Caleb's baby book. I would like to put a list of the people that have been following the blog in his baby book as well so he knows how many people were checking on him and praying for him. If you would like to be included in the list, please put your name in the comments section on the blog and include how you came to read the blog if you would like. The easiest way to comment is to click on the word "Comments" at the bottom of the post, scroll down to the "Post a Comment" section, write your name and how you came to read the blog (if you want), click on the arrow next to "Comment As" and select Anonymous, then click "Post Comment".


  1. Oh how exciting for the news!! We will continue to pray for everything to keep getting better!! We can't tell you how excited we are for you!! God is so good and you guys have been so strong!! Praise the Lord!

    Shannon Stahl

  2. Jen and Phil,
    Ever since grandma D. told us about Caleb at RBC, we've been praying. Having a 6 year old grandson with the same condition, I could feel your pain and also your triumphs. I'm so glad that you're talking about the D word now,and will continue to read your blog and pray.

    Kathie Huhn

  3. The Droog Family and Petersons via the Droogs!

  4. So happy for you and your family to be taking your newest member home. Your blog is great! Since I check it daily, sometimes middle of the night if I'm concerned, I'm glad you made this connection available even before Caleb was born. We will continue praying for you.
    Lois and Ron Heffron

  5. The Schafers

    So excited to hear the great news, I can hardly believe it really happening. I can't imagine what it is like for you!

  6. We are so excited to hear that a date is in the "air" for going home. We have been reading about you since before you were born and find just how strong you really are! We love you all and can't wait to see you. Your Indiana family. Pomeroys, Crawfords, Conyers, Stebbins, Christys and people that you probably will never meet.

  7. It's amazing how much everything has improved in just one week! I look forward every morning to getting my Caleb update and am so happy you included all of us on this journey, with both the good days and the bad.
    Now we can't wait to meet the rock star in person!
    Cousins Sue and John in South Haven

  8. Scott and Karen Cook

  9. Uncle Steve, Aunt Deb and Becca

  10. One of the first things I do every morning when I get to work is check this blog. I am always anxious to see if Caleb is having a good day. Love the news you are making plans to come home. Love, Aunt Deb (Fishhook)

  11. Grandpa and Grandma Dougherty

  12. We are so excited to hear this great news! Congrats! It will be so nice for your family to be all together! We will continue to keep you in our prayers.
    With love from Jay, Rachael and "the other Caleb" Riggs

  13. Hi Caleb,this Aunt Candee,Uncle Mike ,Abby and Lizzy, we ARE SO GLAD TO HEAR YOU are doing better!!!!

  14. Hi Jen & Phil! I read your blog daily and am praising the Lord that Caleb is doing so well! I don't think we've ever met, but I worked with your parents Gary & Dolores at RBC several years ago when I was in high school/college and my parents (Bill & Sally Livezey) also worked with them there. My husband and I have 7 month old twin girls who spent two weeks in the NICU after they were born, so I know the hospital is not the most fun place to be. Our short time was nothing compared to yours, though, so we have been praying for healing for Caleb and strength and endurance for you and your family! God Bless you all!

    Michael & Amanda (Livezey) Faz

  15. Caleb:

    I went to Medic School with your Dad (I taught him everything he knows). Your Dad and I shared a lot of good times together. When he told me about you and your condition I was very concerned for you,(Amber has a cousin with a heart condition as well,hypo right)and immediately started praying. Soon you will be running fire calls with your Dad and telling him to hurry up. I have never had the pleasure to meet you Mom but she seems like a great Lady.

    Jeremy Kelly

  16. We check on Caleb everyday!! So happy when he is having a great day so very worried when he's not! We can't wait to see you grow to be just as silly as your brother and sisters! Hope to hear you are home Love to All The Trierweilers

  17. I have never met you but I am a friend of Beth's. I have been reading since the beginning, Beth started posting about how he was once he was born and I just fell in love with him. I hope to meet you all someday. I am so happy for the good news that your family will be coming together very soon. I hope you enjoy the holidays together and if I have learned anything from you is that you can't take anything for granted. God has definately answered all of our prayers for your family.
    Tina Brown

  18. Hi Caleb.

    I first heard about your struggles before you were born from your Uncle Matt (that crazy guy). I worked with him at RBC until he left. I still work with your Grandma D and Aunt Beth. I am so glad to hear of the great progress you are making. Keep up the good work little man. I hope to meet you in person some day when you come to visit Grandma at work.

    Bonnie Litts

  19. I met Grandma & Grandpa Dougherty when I was in college. I became facebook friends with them this year. I started reading your Mom's blog a week or so after you were born. Grandpa D first requested prayer for you then posted a link to your Mom's Blog. After reading them each night, I went back & read some of her earlier writings. Am SO THRILLED they are talking about you being able to go home & be with your sister & brothers!
    Shouts of Praise to GOD & Love & hugs to you & your family :o) Linda Burge

  20. Kyle and Pam Huhn - so glad he is doing so good praise be to GOD:)

  21. Jeanne Gainey, friend of Aunt Deb.

  22. We love you Caleb! You are such a strong little boy(aka a Rock Star)and we are so excited for you to come home. Audraya is ready to have a little playmate her size :)

    Uncle Chris, Aunt Hallie & Audraya

  23. Praise God! We are so happy for all of you! Still praying so that his transition at home goes smoothly.

    --The Szymanski family (Chris, Chas, Sebastian, Avery and Carter)

  24. WOW - How amazing! I am so happy for you, and I totally understand your apprehension about all you have to learn. You will DO awesome and do not worry about it. Enjoy every minute, because babies grow up so fast.

    The McCarthy Family (Dan, Liz, Ally & Ben)

  25. We check the post daily and can not wait to see you ALL in Alto!!! Tim and Betsy Hess (then share the news with Abby and Lilly)

  26. We are so happy to hear he will be coming home. We will contiue to pray for your family.
    Jeremy, Louise(Foster), Jayden Overbeck

  27. Such good news!!!! Friday...are you serious!? You have got to be over the top excited :-) I have been following this blog because of the connection with Jen, Phil, and their kids through the United Methodist Preschool. I have had the honor of teaching Sam, Ella, and Maeve and look forward to the day when Caleb will start preschool :-) Best of luck on your discharge day!!

    Gay Pfaller

  28. Joel and Tasha Dougherty. Gary sent us the blog address when we had asked about Caleb a few times. We read it and pray for you all daily. Our 3 year old son Braden prays for Caleb and talks about him everyday. He thinks we should name our new baby Caleb! So happy to hear your good news! We will continue to pray for you!

  29. We're so excited to hear this part of the journey will be over soon and your family can all be back together for a while. Thanking God for his healing and for being with all of you through this. His grace is sufficient, but only when we need it!!
    Love you all,
    Aunt Beth, Uncle Mike, cousins Kyle and Ryan
    We love you already!! xoxo

  30. We are so excited that you are coming home. We love you Caleb!
    Grandpa and Grandma Wieland

  31. So very glad to hear that you are doing good!
    Posthumus and Jousma Family

  32. I read it sometimes too, Phil Dougherty (your dad) :)

  33. Matt, Bonnie, Cody & Bret Dougherty go to the same church as I do. They have kept me updated on how Caleb was doing. Somehow I came across this blog (I think Matt posted something on Facebook). Everyday after school I would be sure to read the update to see how he was doing and pass the news on to my family. We have been praying very hard for the doctors, your family and most of all Caleb. We are so glad to hear that he is doing so well and that there is a goal date for his discharge.

    Brooke Armbruster

  34. Can't wait to meet you little guy! I've been praying for you and your family during this journey.

  35. And Brooke is also your cousin Bret's girlfriend. We love you Caleb, Unc Matt, Aunt Bon Cody and Bret.

  36. Caleb, I have known all about you for a long time! Ask your mom about that! We have been following your blog religiously! I use it to update all the Nugent family. Can't wait to visit you again - at home!
    Betsy and Todd Wieland

  37. Your Aunt Beth has amazingly funny entries on her facebook - can't help but read them. She also talks about how blessed they are to have you in their family. P.S. She's a great scrapbooker too! (that's how I know her)
    Glad you are headed home soon!!
    Sue Priest

  38. Our entire family is praying for Caleb including Tom and I and my parents way up in the Upper Peninsula. So that's Tom and Brenda Benedict and Jack & Lois Hoath.

  39. OMG! Sorry had to use some slang! Such awesome news. So happy for your family that the Lord may bring you all back togather soon! Continued Prayers for you and your family, as we know this is just another step in many ahead!

    Katie, Steve, Noah and Emma Barnhart

  40. Caleb,

    I am so happy to hear your good news. I check your mommy's blog every day to see how you are doing. Your family in Illinois loves you and is praying for you!

    Diane Dougherty Smith

  41. We are so happy to hear the news about Caleb's
    progress and can't wait to see him at home.
    Love from Aunt Marie and Uncle Bill

  42. Hi Cabeb, I cannot start my day until I read your blog and what you are up to. My constant prayers are being answered. You and your family are so very strong and loved so very much. I feel that I have known you even before you were born and anxious to see you and your family altogether. This is the best news ever. My prayers for you and your family shall never cease. Love G. Pat Thomet

  43. Im Wanda Martin from Eclectic Alabama, I used to go to school with your Grandpa Dougherty. Ive been reading this blog every day since your grandpa first posted it , So glad you are doing so much better. Tried this yesterday and it didnt work. Will try again and again until I get it.

  44. Hi Caleb,

    I have been reading all about you. I used to work with your Mommy!

    Carol Kind

  45. Great news, Dougherty's!!!!

    Ruth Ann Metternick

  46. Duane & Tammy Card glad you are going home we have been following your blog from the start and we are praying.

  47. I work with Grandpa D. friend Wanda and everyday she fills me in on houw your doing. My husband and I pray for you every night. Bob and Maria Smith. Clanton, Al.

  48. We have been praying for you everyday and are so happy you are doing so well!

    Tom and Jenny Pratt
    (Your Mommy knows Tom through work)

  49. Caleb,
    I have been praying for you and watching your progress from North Carolina. So excited to hear the you may soon be heading home to Alto.

    Jennifer Benedict

  50. We have been following your progress since before you were born and are so happy you are going home!!!!! Can't wait to meet you!
    Your Cousins,
    Tim, Anne, Katy, Rachel, Sarah, Emily and Jenna

  51. Very excited to read how Caleb has progressed, especially lately! Anna Denton

  52. Caleb, I am buddies with your Aunt Deb. (and I know your whole family)!!! I am so excited to see that you are doing great!!! Praise the Lord!! I've been following and praying for you....well since before your mommy started the blog. You have done an amazing job! So happy to hear you are headed home!!! From our whole family! Mike, Holly, AnnaJoy, Jake, and Luke Rottier God bless!!!! :)
