Caleb is now walking! He will still crawl some, but he is walking more and more each day. Nothing in our house is safe. The Big Three do not find this amusing, but Caleb certainly does.
Caleb weighs 20 pounds. That puts him at the 0.8% percentile. He is now officially making up ground. It is not surprising. He is a very good eater, preferring sweet foods to vegetables, but he will eat almost anything.
He is talking more now. We play Momma/Caleb in the car. He yells "Momma" and I yell "Caleb". It is a very stimulating game. He also argues with the kids. They say "yes" and he says "no". He still calls Phil "Momma" though. Phil is dealing with it.
Caleb has been discharged from Early On and is no longer receiving any therapy. His goals were to be walking and talking and now that he is doing both, there is no reason for additional therapy at this time. He is right where he is supposed to be physically and developmentally.
Because of all of this, we are very happy that we decided to wait until next year for his next surgery. Now he will have an entire year to be normal and healthy (hopefully). Other than being small, you can not tell that he has had gone through what he has.
Thank you to everyone that purchased a heart for Faith's Angels. Together, we raised $350 for congenital heart defect awareness and research. That is amazing!