Merry Christmas!

Christmas with the Wieland Cousins

Hanging with Dad and Finally Growing Some Hair

Loving the Cell Phone
Merry Christmas!
We have had a wonderful Christmas, spending time with our families and celebrating all of the gifts we had before a single present was opened. We hope you were as fortunate.
Caleb is growing and developing on his own terms. He says about five words, but understands nearly everything we say. He is still not walking, but can get into whatever he wants. He will only stand on his own for a few seconds when he is distracted, but he will stand in his high chair as long as he can get away with it and will climb on anything.
Caleb has learned some new tricks. Now, when he knows that he is in trouble, you can see him make a conscious effort to be cute. He wrinkles his nose, tilts his head down and looks at you sideways. His teen years may be a real challenge!
After my last post, Caleb came down with the stomach flu and felt pretty crummy for about 7 days. After eating crackers to settle his stomach for a few days, he decided he didn't need anyone to feed him with a spoon anymore, he was going to feed himself. After a week of prodding, he will finally eat from a spoon again.
Now he has a runny nose, but I expect that at least until April. We seem to pass things from person to person in this house late spring. For a little guy with only semi-oxygenated blood and a diaphragm that only partially works, he sure can deal with a cold. Living in this house, that is a true blessing.
Caleb had his second RSV vaccine on Friday, so he is still protected against that. Dealing with the insurance company and the vaccine provider is proving to be all kinds of fun. This month it took three phone calls, one of which was over 30 minutes, but we were successful.
We are continuing to work on talking, standing and walking, but I have a sneaky suspicion that we will only make progress when Caleb feels like it!
Thanks for your continued prayers and interest in Caleb's well-being!