Getting Stronger Every Day
This picture pretty much sums up where we are. Caleb is getting stronger each day. He is able to push his shoulders off the floor now. He hasn't rolled over again, but he is definitely making progress.
He is doing better with the bottle now as well. Now, he always lets us put the bottle in his mouth. Tonight, he even stopped crying when I did it. Previously, he only would suck on the bottle when he was in a good mood and happy. He has been averaging 10 cc's to 20 cc's each feeding and even hit 30 cc's this week (of his 90 cc feeding).
Caleb had a fever last week Wednesday, but no other problems that we could see. We debated calling the doctor, but he wasn't working to breathe and seemed like the other kids do when they have a fever. We gave him a dose of Tylenol and his temperature dropped back to normal and he was back to his happy self. We are assuming that it was just a normal baby thing, but you can certainly drive yourself crazy second guessing!
Caleb weighed 12 pounds, 14 ounces when the visting nurse came this week and his oxygen saturation was 84%. We are closing in on 13 pounds! Caleb got his RSV vaccine Thursday, meaning we have been home from Ann Arbor for four weeks now. Time flies!
Thank you for all of your prayers for Baby Aubrey and her family. It is so horrible to see a family lose a child that they have loved so much and fought tooth and nail to save.
On a happier note, I hit a major milestone a couple of weeks ago. While shopping, I found some winter baby clothes on clearance. I bought Caleb a winter coat for next year. I had not allowed myself to think that far ahead since we found out about Caleb's heart defect!